Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I've never understood people who have a hard time making decisions. I remember from the time I was young getting annoyed as people would go back and forth trying to figure something out because neither would just make a decision. Even if I don't know for sure, I generally make a decision and then go from there. And when I do know what I want, I make the decision and I do my best to make it happen. There can be negotiation if needed, and I'm okay with it not being what I want.  I just cannot stand going back and forth waiting for someone to decide and move on. For example, an age old stress that I have been a part of... what to have for dinner? I remember as a child listening to my family go back and forth on cooking? Take out? or going out to a restaurant? Man on man, they would just go back and forth and because it's my family talk super loud in the process.... could we just decide and eat already? hah. That is just one example, this happens all of the time and it makes me want to yell... Maybe I need to work on patience..hmm.


Unknown said...

Or during the summer of 2008 when 29 people were constantly trying to decide where to go out to eat every Saturday and Sunday night....Hahaha I don't miss that, but I miss you! I'd love to visit this summer and have a big, big catch up cuddle :)

JesseMarie said...

Yes just like that! ahh it gets so tiring lol... And yes you most definitely should come visit me and we will cuddle the best cuddle ever...haha