Right now I feel like I am waiting on a lot of things in my life. I've always been the kind of person who once i've decided I am going to do something or that I want something, I make it happen. I see this to be both a good and a bad quality. And I know for a fact, that it is something that used to make my dad crazy about me. Don't get me wrong, i've had to wait on things, many things before. But never like this. I wish that I could just snap my fingers and make a few specific things happen.
I think the thing that is the most frustrating is that they are all things that I feel like God is saying will happen... he's just also telling me to wait and be patient. That's the hard part. The other day my devotional was about waiting on God's timing... and I know that the mere fact that that was the topic is an awesome reminder of how I need to shut up and wait on Him. But anyways, I was reminded through scripture that I have a time and a plan for my life and that God does too. And that ultimately, I don't want things in my timing but in His. So... I will wait. I will wait on God. And I will wait on a few other people and situations as well. Hopefully God will give me some patience in the meantime.
So I leave for camp in 33 days and I'm not sure if it's a countdown or a deadline...lol. I spend last week in South Carolina. A few days were spent in myrtle beach visiting family and enjoying the beach and the majority of the time was spent in Charleston setting up stuff for this summer. Being there, really helped me to get excited about camp this summer. There is such a great need in that city and I am so blessed to get to be a part of the awesome things God is going to do there in the next few months. With every person that I met with they were all so excited to partner with MFuge again. And when I met with people who were new to working with MFuge, they just kept asking, "what is in it for us?" They just couldn't understand why we would want to help out and give back and share our time and talents. That was such a humbling thought... I mean as christians isn't that what we are called to do? And yet, it's so rare that people are a little apprehensive about our motives... it was a sad realization.
Also, the other day I was in the book area at Walmart and I heard the most saddening thing i've heard in a long time. There was a mom with her son... he was probably 4. They were looking for a book and the little boy picked up a children's Bible and asked his mom what it was. She told him that it was the bible. He asked if they could buy it and she told him "No, it's not a good book, you wouldn't like it". I seriously heard this whole exchange and got tears in my eyes. It took all I had in me not to go over there tell the women she was wrong and then share God with that sweet little boy. It broke my heart.