Well I've been here a week! We have had a super busy week, full of lots of fun and training. I will try to update this more, but my internet has been hating me lately so I haven't been able to log on much at all. Since I last updated you all, some exciting/crazy things have happened. One morning as I was sitting on my bed, getting my make up on, I looked up and saw a mouse run across my floor. And suprisingly I didn't freak out like I would have imagined myself to do. After a day, we got some traps out, and got it. It was a baby one, and it made me sad a bit, but glad to not be sharing my bed with a mouse. Good times..
Yesturday was our free day. So I got to sleep in until 10:30 ish which was amazing, then me and about 8 other girls headed to the beach. It was so amazingly warm and so was the water. FYI I swam in the ocean yesturday.. not just like put my feet in, but like went in up to my shoulders... for those of you who know my fear of fish, this is a BIG DEAL! YAY! and we had a blast in the water. Then we headed back to campus, got ready and everyone dressed up and went out to eat in downtown Charleston at a Crab House. And then after walked around downtown Charleston for a while, and then went to an ahh-mazing pier.
We only have a few more days of training, and then Monday camp starts! How awesome is that!
Alright guys, I gotta go get my bible study material ready and set up my room some more. I love you and miss you guys! Thanks for the prayers!
p.s. I found out that there is a slight difference in my mailing address, so here it is...
If you are mailing something USPS
Jesse Scenga/ MFuge
Charleston Southern University
CSU Box #1040
P.O. Box 118087
Charleston SC 29423
If it's FedEx or UPS
Jesse Scenga/Mfuge
Charleston Southern University
CSU Box #1040
9200 University Blvd.
Charleston SC 29406