I have some pretty big news coming my way anytime now. And honestly the news is results that I should have had back a few weeks ago. But instead of knowing my fate, I am stilling having to wait. Could this be God teaching me something?
Honestly, I am pretty confident that everything is going to come back okay. But I don't know that for sure, and I won't until a doctor confirms it.
Over the last few weeks I have had many awesome people asking me if I have heard anything yet... and I always respond with "No, they didn't have the results yet, but should by this friday".
As I responded with that for probably the 50th time this week, I had a thought... Why am I not calling my doctor everyday to get answers? Why am I okay with just waiting to be told the results?
Is it that I really am that confident that it is okay? Or is it more along the lines of I'd rather pretend that everything is fine as long as I can?
After much thought, I still don't know the answer to these questions...
Ahhh don't you hate having to be patient in waiting. Don't feel alone in having a hard time with waiting, because I am the same way. And God does teach us in "mean" ways to be patient; which really aren't "mean", but they seem "mean" at the time. If you know what I mean. ; )
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